Latest COVID-19 protocol information

The state of Michigan has made great strides in the vaccination of Michiganders, and Perspective Eyecare has followed the recommendations of the Wayne County health department and the CDC in making mask usage optional in our office if you are vaccinated.

We understand that vaccination is a personal choice and some of our patients have chosen not to be vaccinated at this time. We also understand that there are conditions that would be worsened by vaccination. Therefore, we ask that any unvaccinated patients continue to wear a mask while visiting Perspective Eyecare, unless otherwise directed by a member of our staff.

Furthermore, if you would feel better having your optician wear a mask while helping you, please do not hesitate to make that request. We want you to feel as safe and comfortable as you deem necessary while in our office.

If you have any questions or concerns, please call or ask a member of our staff, or email us at